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Job Title: Douglas County School Supportive Mental Health for Students Funding Committee
Description: This committee is charged with making a recommendation on funding for Supportive Mental Health for Students. This committee is one of two committees (the other being for Physical School Safety & Protection) recommending a one-time $10 million appropriation.
File Number: MI2019-012
Status: Closed
Created Date: Jun 17, 2019
Completed: Oct 14, 2020
Staff Contacts:
Staff Type Name Email Phone
Planning Maggie Cooper [email protected] (303)660-7401
Project Information:
Responsible Manager: Dan Dertz
Purpose: This committee is charged with making a recommendation on funding for supportive mental health for students to the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The committee has a goal of presenting its final recommendations to the BOCC by July 3, 2019 with a possible extension to July 15, 2019.
Background Statement: The Douglas County Supportive Mental Health for Students Funding Committee is composed of nine members; two (2) representing the School District; one (1) representing a Charter or Private School, three (3) appointed by the County and three (3) representing the Community, as recommended by the Douglas County Mental Health Initiative and confirmed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Screen ID: 1442020